In order to most realistically make a living trading binary options it is essential that you understand not only what binary options trading consists of, but more specifically what the market is that you’re looking to invest in, and how it’s changed over time as well as anticipated to change into the future—as well as at what pace, in which directions, how, and why.
Many people ask; how much money do you need to get started in binary options trading? This is a rather subjective question, and the answer is understandably not simple. In fact, it’s worth considering not only the necessary precautions and safety of your investments and future by ensuring your binary trading options broker is accredited and recognized by government entity, but also evaluating and further analyzing which, if not both, types of investments you’re most interested in trading. Likewise, it’s worthwhile to consider whether or not you are most invested in short-term or long-term investments and ‘calls’.
It is very much so possible to make a living trading binary options, however how you do it—or the method of choice—also of course significantly weighs in as well.
Believe it or not, it’s more than possible to hone in on any skills you might currently have, enter ‘the game’ with a positive, patient outlook, and engage the following three basic steps for maximizing your investments and profits—or Return of Investment (ROI):
Choose a good broker
Choosing a good broker should be anything but an impulsive decision. In fact, doing your due diligence in researching the broker or brokers you are considering, such as checking with the BBB for example, reading reviews online, and honing in on brokers that perhaps offer a FREE trial-period, cost-free trial period, or simply Demo accounts would behoove the interest of first stepping into the world of binary options trading.
However, luckily for you, in comparison to general stock-trading, binary options trading is much more cost-effective, rewarding, and less challenging by the opinion of many professionals and experiences brokers. That is, as you can put in, end, or retract “calls” more swiftly than in comparisons with general stock trading, and of course, have the increased flexibility to hold, share, and ‘bet on’ the changes of investments or stocks of a multitude of variations—from currency to oil, all the way to commodities, currency pairs, and indices.
Pick a good signup bonus
Many credible, reputable binary stocks trading services offer a one-time, or introductory bonus to users or investors. This is very desirable, and worth taking into consideration, as well as exploring or comparing amongst brokers. In fact, not all brokers limit such bonuses to the introductory period, but will in fact add on bonuses or match your money later on, may it be directly related to your ROI, or simply because you were willing to deposit a larger amount of funds, or invest more into their brokerage firm—a fairly understood and appreciated ‘tit for tat’ system in a sense, but one that is going to generously line your pockets as well.
Make correct predictions, especially utilizing binary options signals
There are a wide range of different types of binary options trading services out there, brokers, bonuses, tools, resources, and limitations. While some brokers specialize in providing tools like candlestick charts, others rely on simpler pie charts, bar charts, or other alert-like tools and resources that make you more capable, and likely to maximize your profits instantly, in the short term, and in plenty of instances in the long-term.
Once you have a broker or brokers in mind, whether a Demo account or full-fledged active, invested, and live funds account, in order to realistically pursue a goal in which at some point you can make a living trading binary options it’s necessary that you accept not only the restraints of potential ROI per your investment, but also the constraints—specifically downfalls—of the economy, stocks, and assets in general, and such a principal concept stands globally for recognition—at least in order to investment most effectively and responsibly.
How much money do you need to start binary trading?
This is a sort of loaded question—that is—as how much money you need to get started is quite subjective to how much you expect to realistically earn on your ROI, or through bonuses or other methods. In reality, it’s your responsibility to mathematically calculate the values, percentages, and statistical variables that weigh most heavily into any realistic profits for you, over what time period, and how.
Is anyone making money with binary options trading to-date?
This is both a great, and very common question. Who is making money using binary options trading you might ask? Well, outside of viewing a direct Leaderboard module (such as the one found here:, you can also read through the news, local media outlets, and research online some of the most well-known people that have made a fortune with binary options trading.
Ultimately, however, making money using binary options does not have to entail spending or investing your life savings, half or all of your money, or anywhere near such fractionalized margins. In fact, it can be as simple as just investing a few hundred dollars every year, or even less frequently than that! Of course, the choice is ultimately yours, and whether or not you will be able to make a living trading binary options will of course also fall onto the reality of how much money you invested in the first place, how much ROI you receive, over what time period, and understandably; whether or not you exit the market, or decide to ‘keep playing’.
In the end, there have been both many ‘winners’ and those that have taken a loss. In fact, it’s worth mentioning for anyone serious about investing funds into binary options trading, especially of larger capacity, that indeed it does ‘take money to make money’. In that regard, expect some highs and lows, and understand that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better—but most importantly, also, that sometimes stocks or currencies simply do not come back up, or at least not as quickly as you would like, in regards to ROI at least.